Factors Influencing the Behavioral Intention towards Full Hybrid Car: An Empirical analysis of Automobile industry in Delhi
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Griffith College
Purpose: The basic purpose of this study is to measure and evaluate the factors of hybrid cars that influence the behavioural intention of consumers for the purchasing of hybrid cars. This study is done to measure the relationship between environmental concern, economic concern, and consumer’s perception about hybrid cars on the behavioural intention of consumers in purchasing hybrid cars in Delhi.
Methodology: The data was collected by using a close-ended questionnaire responded by 165 participants using cars in Delhi. Positivist approach was applied for this research for the convenience of sampling and also to obtain the quantitative data. The analysis of collected data was done by using SPSS and MS Excel of Pearson Correlation, Regression, and Anova.
Findings: Based on the evidence that was provided in this research, the results indicated that multiple factors of hybrid cars influence the behavioural intention of consumers for purchasing of hybrid cars. This study has evaluated the influence of environmental concern, economic concern, and consumer perception of consumers on the use of hybrid cars on behavioural intention of consumers towards the purchasing of hybrid cars. The statistical analysis of quantitative data suggested that the influence of these factors on purchasing intention of consumers of hybrid car is 48.4%. Furthermore, all these factors have a significant impact on the purchasing intention of hybrid cars as per the findings of this research. The results of this research are direct reflection on its demographic profile which shows that the majority of individuals were male.
Environmental concern, Economic concern, Consumer’s perception about the use of hybrid cars, Behavioural intention of consumers towards the purchasing of hybrid cars