MBA in International Business Management

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    An Investigation Into Claims of Employment Discrimination Between Black Immigrants & Native Workers In The Irish Labour Market: An Empirical Analysis
    (Griffith College, 2021) Taiwo Christianah Ogunjemilusi
    Black immigrants in Ireland have been demonstrated to have more difficulties in the labor market and have higher unemployment rates than native workers. The labor market outcomes for various classes of non-Irish nationals varies significantly. The title of this thesis is an investigation into the claims of employment discrimination between black immigrants and native workers in the Irish labour market. In particular, the focus is on White Irish, Black Irish, Black Immigrants and Hiring Managers. The study was guided by two objectives. First, the research investigates the level of employment discrimination among black immigrants and native workers. Second, the research examines the factors associated with employment discrimination among black immigrants and native workers: Credentials, Occupational sector, Recruitment Selection and Nationality. This study takes the form of a qualitative research approach. The semi-structured interview was used as the primary data gathering instrument. The interviews were conducted with 11 participants which comprised of three White Irish, three Black Irish, three Black immigrants and two Hiring Manager. The research investigated their educational and professional backgrounds, present employment, qualification recognition, and job satisfaction. Data was analysed using the Nvivo and constant comparative method and the themes were based on the research objectives. This study extends the current knowledge base by revealing that Black immigrants experience a higher level of employment discrimination when compared with the white Irish native colleagues. Despite being Irish citizens, black Irish employees experienced similar levels of employment discrimination to their black immigrant colleagues. The study also found that Black employees are disproportionately not employed in roles corresponding to their qualifications and suffer occupational disadvantaged as they are less likely to hold top positions. The study concludes that the recruitment experience is largely positive for native workers, while black immigrants have a predominantly negative outlook. The study recommends that the government should ensure effective enforcement of discrimination legislation. All employers should adopt guidelines to ensure that their hiring processes are not discriminatory. In addition, there should be an awareness of the recognition of the foreign qualifications.
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    Quality of Risk Reporting of selected DAX Performance Index Corporations - An Empirical Analysis of Compliance
    (Griffith College, 2021) Bob Davis Jan Adrian Kindermann
    The German legislator requires German stock corporations to state their risk reporting in their annual report in accordance with the German Accounting Standard. After the standard was updated in 2012, corporations had several years to implement the requirements of the standard correctly and accurately. As a result, the study seeks to determine the corporation's risk reporting quality, ranking them and present the current deficits in their risk reporting’s. The standards were used to develop an evaluation model in which the mandatory and recommended standards were weighted and then evaluated against each of the risk report sections of the examined corporations. As a result, each corporation received a compliance percentage for the standard's mandatory and recommended requirements, sectors, and standard categories (risk management system, individual risks and risk situation). In their risk reports, the examined corporations did not achieve an overall compliance degree of 60 per cent. Not all corporations were able to present their information in compliance with the DRS 20 standards. BMW, the Volkswagen Group, and Henkel attained the highest level of compliance. Deutsche Wohnen and Deutsche Post had the lowest degree of compliance. The risk reporting quality of the corporations examined was adequate since not a single corporation achieved a higher compliance degree of 60 per cent. Only a few corporations came close to achieving a high level of compliance. As well as several corporations viewed the significance of the mandatory and recommended standards differently.
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    The Effect of Financial Management Practices On The Performance Of Small And Medium Scale Enterprises In Nigeria
    (Griffith College, 2021) Oluwabusayo Zainab Olufawo
    The uncertainty of the business environment in Nigeria combined with poor knowledge of financial management often makes Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) face serious challenges regarding productivity and financial performances, which is a threat to the survival of businesses. This study focused on the effect of Financial Management Practices (FMP) on the performance of SMEs in Nigeria. The main objective of the study was to gain a deeper understanding of how SMEs in Nigeria are affected by FMP such as working capital management, accounting information systems, financial reporting and analysis, investment decisions, and financial planning. The study adopted positivism philosophy with a deductive approach, the collection of quantitative data was carried out with the questionnaire administered through the internet. 250 business owners, business partners, firm managers, financial managers, and other employees working in SMEs gave their consent to participate in this study by filling the closed-ended questionnaires drafted to answer the questions of this research. Five hypotheses were drawn from the literature reviewed and were tested with simple linear regression. In this study, it was shown that working capital practices have a significant influence on the performance of SMEs in Nigeria, investment practices have a significant effect on the performance of SMEs in Nigeria, financial planning practices have a significant impact on the performance of SMEs in Nigeria, accounting information systems contribute to the performance of SMEs in Nigeria, and financial reporting has a significant impact on the performance of SMEs in Nigeria. The study recommends that FMP should be highly prioritized by SME managers during the formulation of the strategies of their businesses. This will enhance consistency, accountability, and transparency in their financial operations. And, before adopting any FMP, SMEs should carefully evaluate the structures of their companies. Since companies differ in capital structures, this will help firms to adopt the practices suited to their particular firm.
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    The Effect of International Business Strategies on Organizational Performance in the Developing Country Telecommunication Industry - A Case of MTN Nigeria Plc.
    (Griffith College, 2021) Josephine Ojonugwa Abutu
    Several organizations across the globe have entered into new geographical locations or other countries to establish and carry out their business operations. Emerging economies have been a location of interest for many multinational companies and locations such as Nigeria have hosted different international organizations in various sectors of her economy in the last couple of decades. The choice of targeting developing countries such as Nigeria as a preferred location for business operations of international companies might not be unconnected with the availability of abundant human and natural resources in the most populous country in Africa. Hence, it is crucial for firms penetrating Nigeria’s business environment to adopt and implement suitable international business strategies that would ensure that their overall organizational goals are accomplished. To this end, this study examined the effect of international business strategies on the performance of Telecommunications companies in Nigeria. The study adopted a quantitative research technique and used a cross-sectional design that involves the senior staff of MTN Nigeria Plc. and their customers are knowledgeable about their products/services. Data were obtained from a sample size of 150 respondents located in Lagos, Port Harcourt, Abuja, and Ibadan. The research instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire using Google form and data was processed with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0 software. The reliability of the research instrument was confirmed through Cronbach Alpha with a 0.822 reliability result which is above the 0.7 benchmarks as prescribed by Sharma (2016). Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis, answering of research questions, and hypotheses were tested using Spearman’s rank correlation. The empirical findings corroborate the significance of international business strategies and their impact on organizational performance in the Nigerian telecommunication industry. Specifically, the results reveal that differentiation strategy has a significant and positive influence on customers’ loyalty that represents organizational performance. Furthermore, the study confirms that cost leadership strategy has a strong significant influence on customers’ retention that represents organizational performance and lastly, the research result shows that market focus strategy has a positive significant influence on customer satisfaction which is a good measurement of organizational performance in the Nigerian telecommunication industry. Therefore, the study recommends that managers and decision in the telecommunication industry makers continue to provide affordable quality products and services that would meet their customer’s requirements to ensure their satisfaction and increase their loyalty. In addition, it is also recommended that the Nigerian government should provide a good conducive business environment, most especially necessary infrastructure which will support investors operations enable them to perform optimally to achieve their corporate objectives.
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    Effect of Workers Incentives on Employees' Productivity In The Banking Sector of The Economy: A Case Study Of Access Bank Nigeria PLC
    (Griffith College, 2021) Okonkwo Lucia Ogochukwu
    Research Background: How organizations can enhance employee productivity is a great concern to business owners and organizations, this is why several organizations and scholars have demonstrated great interest in different systems and practices that can be used to enhance employee productivity. One of these practices is incentives, which is used to stimulate employee to achieve a desired level of productivity. Thus, the subject of incentives continues to contend with the input level and the corresponding output an organization gets from their employee. Research Purpose: In view of the paucity of studies investigating the effect of all the dimensions of incentives on the overall productivity level of banks employee and the impact of the different types of incentives on the diverse employee cadre, the study seeks to examine the effect of workers incentives on productivity. Research Objectives: The study was guided by three research objectives, namely: 1. To examine the effect of financial incentives on worker's productivity in the Nigerian Banking Industry; 2. To investigate the effect of non- financial incentives on worker's productivity in the Nigerian Banking Sector; 3. To determine the relationship between financial and non-financial incentives and worker's productivity in the Nigerian Banking Industries. Method: This study adopted a descriptive survey research design. Primary data for the study was collected using a structured questionnaire administered to the employee of selected banks in the study area. Conclusion: This study has made an important and unique contribution to literature. The research has demonstrated a significant effect of non-financial (intangible) workers incentives on productivity. Also, the study has demonstrated that the different types of incentives motivate employees differently depending on the cadre. Overall, the study found that incentives predict productivity.
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    The Effect Of Workforce Diversity On Employee Performance In Karachi FMCG Organizations
    (Griffith College, 2021) Shahryar Mirza
    Purpose: The fundamental purpose of this research is to evaluate the effect of diversity on the performance of employees working in the firm. Specifically, this study investigates the effect of three forms of diversity (Age, Gender, and Ethnicity) on the performance of employees working in the FMCG sector in Karachi, Pakistan. Methodology: To establish and validate the effect of diversity (age, gender, and ethnicity) on employee performance, primary data collection methods were employed. Information was gathered using a close-ended survey questionnaire, completed by 230 individuals employed in the FMCG sector of Karachi. A positivist approach was adopted, and non-probability convenience sampling method was utilized to obtain quantitative data. The analysis was conducted using Pearson Correlation and Regression analysis with the assistance of SPSS. Findings: The results of this research indicate that workforce diversity has a relationship with employee performance, though the degree of impact varies significantly for each aspect. Age, Gender, and Ethnic diversity were evaluated as key areas of workforce diversity to examine their impact on the performance of employees in the FMCG sector of Karachi. The statistical analysis suggests that the effect of workforce diversity on employee performance is 40.7%. Additionally, while gender and ethnic diversity were found to have no significant relationship with performance, age diversification was positively and significantly correlated with employee performance. These findings are largely reflective of the demographic profile of the respondents, the majority of whom were female and relatively young (aged 25-30 years) with 1 to 5 years of working experience. Research Limitations: This research only covers three broader aspects of workplace diversity: Age, Gender, and Ethnicity. Additionally, it focuses solely on these elements in relation to their impact on employee performance in the FMCG sector in Karachi, Pakistan.
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    Development of inputs to a strategic new departure and an assessment of the underlying strategic capabilities for entering the perfumery market in Germany for the French beauty brand MARIA GALLAND PARIS
    (Griffith College, 2023) Eutermoser, Florian
    Maria Galland develops and sells professional skincare products to cosmetics clinics in Germany, faces challenges in performance due to declining returns from its distribution channel, wishes to enter a new market/channel; the perfumery retail market. This study sought to develop inputs for this strategic new departure by identifying… 1) …expectations and requirements of the German perfumery industry, 2) …Maria Galland’s strategic competitive advantage and vulnerabilities, 3) …and by assessing Maria Galland’s underlying strategic capabilities. A single case-study research strategy and qualitative research approach was used. The research approach was influenced by the assumptions associated with the research philosophies of interpretivism and social constructivism. Fourteen interviews were conducted, and complemented by observations, artefacts, documents, and informal discussions. A conceptual framework, incorporating concepts from external environmental analysis, strategy content, business models, and resource and capability analysis was developed from the literature. Nine findings are presented referring to the source, rationale, related literature, counter-rationale, and implications for the research objectives. The results show that traditional retail perfumery faces threats from Online-stores. Those perfumeries depend on skilled sales staff and high bargaining power against supplying beauty brands like MARIA GALLAND. Maria Galland’s expertise in facial treatments, a high service-level and a strong personal relationship can potentially create value for perfumeries and can, therefore, be a source of competitive advantage for the company. A vulnerability for MARIA GALLAND PARIS is its low visibility and an average product innovation level. Maria Galland’s expertise in treatment products and processes can be considered as strategic capability which is only partly exploited. A low financial capacity results in a strategic disadvantage and forces Maria Galland to consider a rule-braker-strategy. The ability to create personal relationships is not rare however the size of the company tends to be a capability for further exploitation. Limitations of the study are the limited scope and unique character of the case and the limited extent of engagement possible within the confines of time. Further research related to a more in-depth external environmental assessment, as well as a more prolonged assessment of internal issues such as innovation, resource allocation, and visibility audit.
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    Navigating Challenges and Maximizing Benefits: A Case Study of cross country Trust & safety teams inside a google vendor.
    (Griffith College, 2023) Ouassati, Amine
    This research explores how organizational culture affects how well employees perform, how involved and engaged they are in a cross-country team. The study focus on Trust & Safety teams inside a Google vendor which operates from 4 different locations, Dublin, Lisbon, Krakow, and Casablanca The research is a qualitative and exploratory case study. Eight people from four different locations took part in semi-structured interviews intended for employees and structured interviews for managers. This study aims to investigate the impact of organizational culture on performance outcomes, exploring how cultural differences influence employee behavior in different levels. Qualitative data was collected through employees and managers at various organizational levels to understand their experiences and perspectives related to organizational culture and cultural differences. Triangulation was used to analyze the perspectives of multiple existing literatures to gain a comprehensive understanding of the research questions. This approach allows for cross-validation of data, enhancing the reliability and validity of the findings. The results show that management is key to building a successful company culture, with dedication, participation, and job satisfaction as key factors. However, challenges in implementing the organizational culture across different locations were also identified. The study highlights the benefits of having a team with people from different backgrounds and underlines the value of effective leadership in improving commitment, involvement, and output. It also looks at how national culture affects team dynamics. The findings have implications for HR managers and organizational leaders in developing strategies to create a supportive and inclusive work environment that promotes employee engagement and productivity. Aim: Investigating the dynamics of organizational culture in multicultural work environments. Methods: Case study approach. Qualitative methods: structured and semi-structured interviews. Findings: The role of effective management in shaping organizational culture. Challenges in implementing and aligning cultural values across the 4 locations. Cultural considerations in strategic decision-making. Conclusions: The positive impact of a well-managed cross-country team and how to reach it. Increasing creative thinking, innovation, and training among employees. Implications: Prioritizing cultural awareness inside organizations that have a high multicultural diversity. Support mechanisms for fostering a positive work culture in diverse settings.
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    Problems and Introduction of Digital Solutions and Innovations for Improving HRM and Organisational Performance: Case of Unilever, Ireland
    (Griffith College, 2023) Kallangatt Rajan, Nithinraj
    This research study focuses on the possibilities of technological advancements and solutions for enhancing Irish Unilever's human resource management (HRM) and organisational performance. Organisations must use digital tools to optimise processes and create cutting-edge strategies as technology develops. Unilever, a multinational consumer goods corporation, has difficulty attracting and keeping top talent, raising employee morale, and fostering cooperation and teamwork. In order to solve these issues and enhance HRM and organisational performance, Unilever adopted a number of innovative digital solutions. The study evaluates the current adoption rate of digital solutions and innovations in HRM and highlights potential benefits, drawbacks, and best practises for implementation through a review of the literature and a survey of experts in various industries and nations. The research fills information gaps, adds to the body of literature, and offers insights for companies looking to use digital technology in HRM. The study's importance is in recognising current approaches and developments, comprehending their impacts on human resource management (HRM) and organisational performance, and assisting businesses and policymakers in making decisions. The research questions centre on the Unilever-implemented digital solutions, how well they handle problems, the advantages and disadvantages of employing digital solutions, and best practises for implementation. The study also examines how HRM practises and organisational performance are related, as well as performance-influencing factors and the contribution of technology to these areas.
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    An Analysis of the Indian and Irish IT Work Experience.
    (Griffith College, 2020) Harshala Chandrakant Salunke
    Purpose: In this study it was shown that work-life balance which is a significant issue among IT professionals in both professional business and academic research differs country wise with the impact it has on individual’s well-being. This research examines the impact of work and life balance of two such countries one being a developed country and the other a developing such that their synergies generate considerable economic impacts from investments in Information Technologies. Methodology: The study has adopted a positivist approach using quantitative research methodology. Different tests such as One-way ANOVA, Two-way ANOVA and Chi-Square have been used for the study. The test analysis is performed using IBM SPSS tool and Microsoft excel. The primary data is obtained from employees working in the IT sector across various organizations and regions of India and Ireland. The research used convenience sampling followed by snowball sampling for the primary data collection. Findings: The findings of this study demonstrated the underlying basis for the differences between the two countries by comparison of their empirical evidences. This was achieved by evaluating the determinants of work-life balance namely, psychological health, physical wellbeing, family wellbeing and organizational initiatives. The findings of this research reflected the inadequate work-life balance arising from high levels of work and family tensions on family satisfaction. The study further established the negative impact of inadequate work-life balance on job satisfaction, social and personal well-being related to elevated levels of family to work conflicts. In differentiation of the economically developing nation and more developed nation, this research showed that IT employees in developing country have poor work-life balance. The implications from the results of demographic comparison of this study show that the underlying basis for this differentiation in impact of the Work-Life Balance (WLB) is due to the differences in cultures, facilitation services, community relations, population, and gender roles. Finally, the relationship of WLB and its determinants demographically, are evidently conclusive. Research Limitations: In this study, findings are representative of the sample population size which might have affected the study outcome. In addition, impact of COVID-19 situation could have influenced the responses in the survey specially for the questions on family well-being. Mixed nationality population might have influenced the results of this study.
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    Understanding Transfer Pricing and its role in Multinational Corporation subsidiary revenue and tax reporting: the changing behaviour of MNCs around tax planning
    (Griffith College, 2019) Mark Finnegan
    This research assesses the practice of Transfer Pricing and how Multinational companies use the method in relation to the subsidiary level profit and tax reporting. In addition, the study examines why the practice has been important for Multinationals historically while, in parallel, understanding the impact of the practice on the company itself in particular in respect of reputational damage for perceived tax avoidance. The study also looks at the potential for alternative approaches and how the OECD is bringing tighter control to practice via their BEPS programme. The research followed an Interpretivist philosophy and employs a qualitative methodology. The methodology is best described as a qualitative mixed method research approach using a combination of grounded theory and document analysis methodologies. Data is gathered via semi-structured one-on-one interviews with a range of tax expert stakeholders who themselves work in Multinational organisations; a secondary source of data is attained from existing publicly available articles and documents pertaining to high profile tax avoidance cases. The data gathered is analysed using a variant of a classical grounded theory qualitative data coding process to produce a set of results which take the form of a list of impact areas and establish patterns on how companies behave in relation to each impact area. The findings show that the tax environment is complex, has many stakeholder groups, has come under great scrutiny in recent times and has become a more regulatory landscape. The results from the interview phase of the research indicate that companies have shifted their emphasis from using transfer pricing and its tax structures as a tax avoidance strategy to ensuring that they are not only compliant with local regulations but also being seen to be paying a fair amount of tax from a public reputation protection perspective. This juxtaposes the data findings from the document analysis which highlights the aggressive tax strategies employed by well-known brands. This research does not attempt to draw theory from the data, but recommendations are given for further academic research and practice.
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    Entertainment Business Managers, Technology Adoption, and External Value Creation
    (Griffith College, 2020) Isaac Gordon
    This study highlighted the ability of entertainment business managers to create or enhance competitive advantages through relationship development with an infusion of technology, intentionality towards technology adoption with a focus on external value creation, the use of technology to create a digital software suite, and implementation of a digital engagement strategy. The research explored the client relationship as a potential firm resource, uncovered relevant emerging technologies, discovered how technology was adopted or built to replicate the traditional system in a digital format, and discussed the concept of digital engagement. Interviews were used to obtain primary data in the qualitative research project and thematic analysis was used to analyze the data.
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    The impact recruitment has on companies achieving success.
    (Griffith College, 2019) Alan McCarthy
    This dissertation investigates if companies should consider recruitment as a key corporate strategy and in doing so if investment in talent branding and talent management is warranted by returning tangible benefits to the company. The focus of study is on the technology sector in Ireland and is supported by academic and industry related reports and studies. It is hoped that the findings will be applicable to other industries also. The study will show that this is a candidate driven employment market. The primary data was collected from an online survey, focused on a population of employees to gain better insights into thoughts and views from an employee perspective in dealing with a recruitment process. The study will show that companies who invest in their recruitment processes and systems and are considered as a desired employer will be able to attract, recruit and retain top talent, which leads to improved productivity and commercial success in comparison to companies who do not. This study will also show that companies are struggling to attract top talent and it is a major concern amongst executives in some companies. The research finds that today, salary is not the only motivation for job seekers, intrinsic and extrinsic needs hold almost equal importance with a candidate choosing which company to work for. The research also shows that job seekers may have a number of competing offers of employment from different companies. The primary data finds that a large number of employees will research online, company reviews and the work environment and culture before even applying to a position. A large number of today's globalised workforce take the same approach to deciding on employers as they do to buying products or services. Taking a people centric approach in business seems like a common sense approach, however this study finds that many companies do not, and those that do, are more likely to enjoy commercial competitive advantage in their market.
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    The Political Branding of an Independent Politician in the Digital Era
    (Griffith College, 2020) Geraldin G. Gómez G.
    During this research the aim of the research was to evaluate the political branding of an independent politician in the context of the Panamanian Presidential Elections of May 2019. The research examined the perception of the political image of Ricardo Lombana, a Panamanian politician, among millennials in order to identify which elements of his branding strategy resonated with them and which did not. The research also explored the brand awareness of the politician. The target audience for this study were millennials living in Panama City, Panama. The literature base for the research relates to Political Marketing, Branding, Millennials and Leadership theories with the purpose of finding strategies that could potentially improve the current branding strategy of the politician, in order to increase their brand awareness and improve the perception of the politician’s overall image. A conceptual framework was created with the intention of having an effective process to evaluate a political brand. The elements that are evaluated can be interchanged in order for the process to apply to commercial brands. The primary data for this research was collected through six semi-structured interviews conducted with millennial voters in Panama. The results showed that the overall perception of the politician is positive, but that he did not reached all the population, especially those of lower income or living in rural areas. In a small group, such as the six participants that were interviewed, the qualities they expect to see publicized about a brand can vary, but it is the job of the branding strategist to identify the common traits the audience care about in order to work with those. Branding strategists in the Ricardo Lombana team are recommended to do more qualitative research among millennials, and the rest of the Panamanian population with the purpose of making the necessary adjustments in order to improve both the perception of the brand and its awareness among the electorate. It is recommended that scholars conduct further research into creating effective processes regarding the evaluation of branding strategies.
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    Investigation into the Impact of Merger and Acquisition Activities on the Shareholders Wealth of Bidding and Acquired Companies in the Irish Service Industry.
    (Griffith College, 2020) Alina Maria Pascu
    Past researchers have found that the outcome of growth strategy through mergers and acquisition in terms of driving true shareholder wealth are mixed, for both parties (the bidder and the target). The objective of this dissertation was to test the impact of M&A’s on shareholder wealth using an event study methodology. Specifically, this study analyzed the underlying reasons that pushed two case study firms to adopt M&A’s as growth strategy and to see if they’ve achieved successful returns for their shareholders through this type of strategy. The primary data was done through four in-depth interviews with top tier management that have had various implications with both M&A’s case study. This data was combined with the secondary data presented on the subject in order to assess the hypothesis that M&A’s are profitable situations and lead to an increase in shareholder value. This data was evaluated in combination with other three hypothesis, the wealth creation for both the bidder and the acquirer, the size hypothesis and the relatedness hypothesis. The question that was considered best suited for this study was whether or not true that M&A’s improve shareholder wealth in short and long term. Combining the findings from both the primary and secondary data, researcher concluded that mergers and acquisition can improve shareholder wealth, especially when the acquirer and the target firms are in the same line of business. Although, firms that use acquisitions purely for to diversify, mainly into unrelated businesses are those that are unlikely to create values. A final insight from this research study is that M&A’s can create shareholder value for both parties if a defined implementation strategy and a strong integration plan are put in place.