Griffith Open - Institutional Repository

Submitting your eThesis (ETD)

At Griffith College we are proud of our graduates work. It is College policy to upload approved electronic copies of student theses to Griffith College’s institutional repository, Griffith Open.
From 2018 students theses will automatically be considered for inclusion on the institutional repository pending faculty approval.
Having eTheses freely available on Griffith Open will greatly increase the visibility of our students while contributing to academic scholarship internationally.


Candidates are required to sign an e-thesis declaration form declaring that that the Work is their own, and to submit an e-version of their dissertation to their faculty. As per your faculty guidelines, you will be required to include this signed E-Thesis Deposit Declaration for inclusion with your dissertation submission.


If you do not agree to your thesis being available online through Griffith Open, please complete the Opt-Out form. Please be advised that in this case you must also submit the relevant additional forms to your faulty and upload along with your thesis at the time of submission. Requests are subject to approval. Full details of all policies and copyright agreement are available to view on Moodle. If you have any questions in relation to this Deposit Agreement, please direct them to [email protected]. (