Waters, DeanO’Hara, Ruth2024-11-132024-11-132024https://go.griffith.ie/handle/123456789/571The full video of this presentation is available on the ASL YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/jm-wEXXNM-I?si=FNEEuA1CgyeNtNu_This case study outlines the process involved in revising the Dewey Decimal System (DDC) to provide a more accurate and inclusive description of Irish Travellers. Also known as Mincéirí, Irish Travellers are a distinctive ethnic community based primarily in Ireland. However, throughout their history they have experienced widespread discrimination, exclusion, and stereotyping. This fact was somewhat reflective in the DDC, as Irish Travellers were frequently misclassified. This case study examines the treatment of Irish Travellers, who were not specifically mentioned in previous editions of Dewey, prior to these changes. In addition, it looks at the steps taken by the LAI Cataloguing and Metadata group to prepare a successful exhibit which resulted in a new classification number specifically for this indigenous group. It argues that by working with key stakeholders, including Irish Traveller representative groups, library colleagues and academics, we can better guarantee access to accurate and relevant information for all library users.DewyTraveller representationClassification of ethic communitiesDiversifying Dewey: Changing the DDC23 to better represent Irish TravellersPresentation