Deposit Licence Agreement:

For work being deposited by its own author:

In archiving this collection of files and associated bibliographic metadata, I grant Griffith Open the right to store them and to make them permanently available publicly for free on-line. I declare that this material is my own intellectual property and I understand that Griffith Open does not assume any responsibility if there is any breach of copyright in distributing these files or metadata. (All authors are urged to prominently assert their copyright on the title page of their work.) I agree to the terms of the Copyright and Access Agreement and Submission Policy as outlined below.

For work being deposited by someone other than its author/ Mediated Deposit Service:

I hereby declare that I have read the terms covered under the Deposit License Agreement above, I understand that the collection of files and associated bibliographic metadata that I am archiving on Griffith Open on behalf of the author is in the public domain, and is covered under the Copyright and Access Agreement and Submission Policy as outlined below.

Copyright and Access Information
Copies of deposited works on Griffith Open are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License
for full-text and other full data items
1.	Anyone may access full items free of charge.
2.	Single copies of full items can be:
o	reproduced, and displayed or performed in any format or medium
o	for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-profit purposes without prior permission or charge.
3.	Full items must not be sold commercially in any format or medium without formal permission of the copyright holders.
4.	You must provide details of the author, title, and full bibliographic details.
You are free:

 - to Share - to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
 - to Adapt - to remix, transform and build upon the material
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Submission Policy

concerning depositors, quality & copyright
1.	Items may only be deposited by accredited members of the organisation, or their delegated agents.
2.	Authors may only submit their own work for archiving.
3.	The administrator only vets items for the exclusion of spam
4.	The validity and authenticity of the content of submissions is the sole responsibility of the depositor.
5.	Items may not be deposited until any publishers' or funders' embargo period has expired.
6.	Any copyright violations are entirely the responsibility of the authors/depositors.
7.	If the repository receives proof of copyright violation, the relevant item will be removed immediately.
8.	For more information see webpage: