%K Mobile media, Newsroom, Media trends, News reporting, News production, News consumption, Video documentary, Documentary %D 2016 %X News consumption trends around the globe have changed significantly with the arrival of online and social media platforms. As the consumption of news has changed so too has the production of news. Traditional media such as newspapers and television news now must compete with new media platforms. How has the growing popularity of online and social media platforms changed news production at Ireland’s public service broadcaster? How is the structure of RTÉ’s newsroom evolving to compete with digital born publishers? And what is expected of a journalist now as they produce content not only for radio and television but also for online and social media? Through the medium of video documentary this dissertation explores these questions by focusing on RTÉ’s online and social media coverage of the recent Irish General Election 2016. With a greater than ever focus on a ‘mobile mentality’ RTÉ endeavored to create bespoke content for its online platforms by using iPhone apps. Its audience, RTÉ identified, is not only migrating to online and social media platforms they are viewing this content less on desktop and increasingly on smart devices and tablets. As this dissertation is exploring changing news production and news consumption trends the method of mobile journalism was employed to produce the 15-minute video documentary. It was filmed on an iPhone and edited on an iPad. Several different IOS apps were used to film, edit and create graphics and motion picture effects for the final piece. Within the RTÉ newsroom online and social media are now seen as the third platform alongside radio and television. However, RTÉ is a traditional broadcasting organisation trying to change into a media organisation and the path to change is not always direct. RTÉ finds itself constrained financially, socially and culturally. While the newsroom needs to cater for a growing online and social media audience it still needs to cater for its television and radio audience. %T The future newsroom of RTÉ - A video documentary exploring how the RTÉ Newsroom is adapting to changing trends in news production and news consumption %A Eleanor Mannion %I Griffith College %L go55