eprintid: 486 rev_number: 11 eprint_status: archive userid: 64 dir: disk0/00/00/04/86 datestamp: 2021-07-31 19:36:21 lastmod: 2021-07-31 19:36:21 status_changed: 2021-07-31 19:36:21 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Randhawa, Gurtej Singh corp_creators: Kevin O’ Hara title: Irish Omnichannel Retailers Response to Changing Customer Behaviour, Preference, Concerns and Experience of Irish Customer. ispublished: submitted subjects: H1 subjects: HM divisions: MSIPS full_text_status: public keywords: Irish Customer, Irish Omnichannel Retailer, Customer behaviour. abstract: This research highlights the key step taken by the Irish Omnichannel retailers to address the current change in overall Irish Customer. The study mainly focuses on responses by the Irish omnichannel retailers on five major customer categories- Customer behaviour, Customer preference, Customer concerns and overall Customer experience. To make sure that the data collected for this research is comparable and could be analysis the researcher has made sure of two things. First, all the research subjects are serving the same customer base. For this study researcher has chosen large-scale omnichannel grocers based in Dublin as the research subject and second thematic analysis is used to analyse and code the gather data. Findings and the conclusion of this research shine the light on the fact that Omnichannel retailers responded to the change in each customer element with action steps tailor-specific to the element. 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