@mastersthesis{go467, author = {Michael Nkemdi Nwokoro}, school = {Griffith College}, year = {2020}, month = {August}, title = {Assessment of Work-life Balance on Organisational Performance: Evidence from Nursing Mothers in Nigeria.}, abstract = {The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of work-life balance on organisational performance drawing evidence from nursing mothers in Nigeria. Work-life balance involves the ability of an employee to manage both work and personal life responsibilities without one being in conflict with the other. Work-life balance is essential as it increases job satisfaction, enhances employee productivity and reduces employee turnover. The study thus attempted to investigate how work-life balance has been able to enhance the productivity of nursing mothers. The study adopted the qualitative research methodology, which collected data through the use of interviews, interviews were conducted with seven (7) nursing mothers across different organisations in Nigeria. Interviews were analysed using the thematic process which groups findings under a particular theme. Findings of the study revealed that the ability to manage work and life responsibilities were essential to organisational performance, as without a positive work-life balance an employee becomes dissatisfied, unproductive and inefficient. The research also discovered that stress and pressures were significantly minimised through good work-life balance, this enhances the mental capabilities of employees thereby increasing their productivity and subsequently leading to better achievement of organisational goals. Therefore, the research recommends that management of organisations put in place policies such as work-leaves, flexible working hours, working from home, work breaks etc to enable nursing mothers achieve better work-life balance.}, keywords = {Work life, Work life performance, Organisational Performance, Nursing Mothers, Nursing Mothers in Nigeria,}, url = {http://go.griffith.ie/467/} }