@mastersthesis{go465, author = {Fatuma Bakari Mvungi}, month = {August}, title = {The Importance of Choosing the Right E-marketing Tool in Tourism to Achieve the Best Performance: A Case Study of Tourism Promotion in Tanzania.}, school = {Griffith College}, year = {2020}, abstract = {This dissertation was written to explore the importance of e-marketing in promoting tourism under Tanzanian Tourism as the case study. The tourism industry is a highly lucrative industry in the country and fully depended upon by other sectors. Due to this, I was motivated to contribute to the sector by researching on how to increase performance with the aid of e-marketing. E-marketing is proving to be stable and successful worldwide therefore making this study relatable to a majority of other researchers in the future. The intangible factor of the industry allowed for qualitative and explanatory research methods to be the best choice with the aid of the case study. Application of mono-method of data collection was done allowing only a single data collection strategy. Semi-structured interviews were later on conducted to collect all the necessary data, this was done via eight participants whom all have different roles in tourism industry. The findings as per the consumers, proved that consumers are currently happy by the means that they acquire information to book their holidays but do believe there is room for improvement as well as more utilization of the different available online platforms. As from the managers and tourism operators, there is still more room for government involvement and creating more foreign networks in order for the managers to establish concrete media connection. The study also revealed that the domestic market and suppliers aren?t as technological capable as perceived since most of the websites proved to be missing crucial data for consumers. Leading to consumers choosing other sources such as social media or direct contact for them enquires. It is highly recommended, that knowing the target markets? needs and wants is key when choosing the right e-marketing tool in order to achieve and increase performance. Culture and trends also play big roles when picking the appropriate e-marketing tools for the market.}, url = {http://go.griffith.ie/465/}, keywords = {E-marketing, Culture, Social media, Tourism} }