%K IOT Integration, Supply Chain Management, Mechanical companies, Mechanical companies of India. %D 2020 %X There has been a brief discussion on the application and market demand of IoT devices in the mechanical companies of India. There have been researched methods such as primary and secondary used for analyzing market demand and current requirements of this new technology in the business world. This research paper indicated the future need for this technology in the future to achieve desirable speed and accuracy. The research methodology, approach, design, findings and analysis, ethical consideration, limitation, and future scopes for IoT devices have been discussed with proper explanations. The research findings show a comparison of the adoption capability of new technology in developed countries and India. There has been discussion on future scopes of technical integration in India and perceptions of Indian business owners regarding applying technology have been also discussed. The overall findings of this research indicate towards brighter future of supply chain management in this country by adopting IoT devices. %T Evaluation of the Importance and Effectiveness of IOT Integration of Supply Chain Management in Mechanical Companies of India. %A Mozhoor Suhas Joshi %L go464 %I Griffith College