eprintid: 46 rev_number: 10 eprint_status: archive userid: 37 dir: disk0/00/00/00/46 datestamp: 2016-10-14 10:32:20 lastmod: 2016-10-17 13:18:12 status_changed: 2016-10-14 10:32:20 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Aremo, Oreoluwa title: The implications of social network sites usage on international college student’s academic and personal lives ispublished: unpub divisions: MAJ full_text_status: public keywords: Social media, student, college, Ireland, international abstract: This dissertation aimed to investigate the implications of social network usage on the academic and personal lives of international students. A survey was conducted among 100 international students who attend a private college [Griffith College Dublin] in Ireland and interview questions were generated from the findings of the survey. The specific objectives of this study was to find out the impact social network sites have on international college students especially in their academic and personal lives; the positive and negative impacts of social networking on international college students and to find out what other purposes international students use social network sites for. Data collected found out that to keep in contact with family and friends both in their home country and in Ireland, international students use social network sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Majority of the participants reported spending at least 1 to 12 hours per day on social network sites and also a vast majority of the participants use social network sites 7 days in a week. From the data gathered, social network sites have helped international students improve their academic lives through the creation of class groups on some social network sites and their interactions with their lecturers on social network sites. 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