%L go459 %I Griffith College %X The majority of poor people in Malawi lives in the rural areas which has less access to financial services. Village savings and Loan group has become popular in most developing countries, this aims at improving local financial intermediation. In this study, we will investigate the impact of Village Savings and Loan groups in Malawi over the years it was adopted. In the study, we found out that people’s livelihoods and economic development has been impacted with the adoption of Village Savings and Loan Groups. People’s livelihoods include also the number of meals consumed per day as it was measured by USAID poverty assessment tool. The investigation tried to survey the effects of Village Savings and credit Associations have on individuals' vocations in Malawi. An example of 5 VSLAs were chosen from a populace of 10 in the region. From these VSLAs, 60 members were chosen as key witnesses for the examination. The respondents were deliberately chosen due to their devotion in the VSLAs for all the years. Surveys, Interviews and Focus Group Discussions were utilized as information assortment apparatuses. Writing survey and systems by DFID, Oxfam and CARE were likewise used to see how vocations methodologies are actualized and their belongings. All the systems that will be talked about in the investigation give off an impression of being pointing towards a similar course which is destitution easing. The examination shows that VSLAs they decidedly impact livelihoods through business enterprise. All parts were talked about in the examination which begins by the weakness idea, employment structures and Livelihood results which remove individuals from destitution. During the investigation, we likewise discovered that there is improved food security due to VSLAs which assists with lessening weakness levels of destitution. A sum of the apparent multitude of discoveries implies that there is a positive effect VSLAs are making on occupations of Malawian Citizens. This implies Organizations should begin presenting VSLAs as an instrument for battling neediness. The examination suggests that schools ought to empower the presentation module of enterprise and VSLAs ought to likewise be prepared in business to build information. Associations and government should prepare the gatherings on how the VSLAs works and VSLAs ought to be presented and reinforced in different parts to permit presentation to certain residents that have no clue about the plan. %T Impacts of Village Savings and Loan Associations in Economic Development and People's Livelihoods in Malawi. %A Olive Likwaya %D 2020 %K Village Savings, Loan associations, Economic development, People's livelihoods in Malawi.