%K Media stereotypes %D 2020 %T The Role of Filmsin promoting Islamophobia: Content Analysis %X Said (1979) explains that the media over time has been populated with negative stereotypes that seek to create a link between Islam and acts of terrorism as well as all forms of violence (p.347). Given this, the film industry, which is regarded as a media tool, has been criticised for its role in enforcing negative stereotypes which result in anti-Islamic sentiments. For this reason, this research work seeks to analyse seven films that cut across different groups, to understand the prevailing stereotypes, how they are used as well as the non-verbal cues used in the films to pass across a message. Quantitative content analysis was employed to carry out the research, and the films were examined based on context, stereotypes, mis-en-scene and the Riz test proposed by Ahmed Riz. In an attempt to avoid a myopic and bias conclusion, the films selected were based on the link to Islam and Muslims rather than the theme of terrorism. The findings of this research conclude that while there is the prevalence of these negative stereotypes in the films examined, the concept in which they are used gives a clear understanding on the motive of the director which very quite often are used to raise awareness and educate viewers. %A Adib Felicia %I Griffith College %L go417