eprintid: 416 rev_number: 9 eprint_status: archive userid: 30 dir: disk0/00/00/04/16 datestamp: 2021-06-10 14:29:59 lastmod: 2021-06-10 14:30:50 status_changed: 2021-06-10 14:29:59 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Ishaka, Elohor corp_creators: Supervisor: Brian Maye title: Why Practising Effective Journalism in Nigeria Is Challenging ispublished: submitted divisions: MAJ full_text_status: public keywords: Challenges in Journalism, Journalism in Nigeria abstract: Journalism does not simply entail providing information. For the function of journalism to be achieved, a journalist must provide the public with objective, useful information that can be used to make decisions. It is only after this happens that journalism is effective or has gotten the desired result. However, some challenges make it difficult for many journalists to practise effective journalism in Nigeria. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that make it difficult to practise effective journalism in Nigeria and identify how these factors can be mitigated. This study is based on an interpretivist research paradigm. A qualitative research approach was adopted because this study required nuanced and detailed data to answer the research questions. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data from the five participants who were chosen using purposive sampling. The participants were chosen because they have considerable experience working as journalists in Nigeria. The findings of the study are similar to the findings gotten from the literature review but are more complex and offer a different perspective. The findings show that inadequate remuneration and funding, brown-envelope journalism, censorship and lack of technological devices are common factors that may affect the ability of a journalist to practise effective journalism in Nigeria. 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This research will provide insight from journalists that work in Nigeria. • All information will be anonymised with the key kept in a password protected computer. • Personal participant information will not be used for any reason and participants will not be identifiable in any published material. • Participation in this research is voluntary and you will be able to withdraw at will. If you withdraw from the research, any supplied information will be deleted. • If you have any questions about this research, please contact: • Elohor Ishaka: elohorishaka1@gmail.com (researcher) • Brian Maye: brian.maye@griffith.ie (research supervisor) • This project has been approved by the Faculty Research Ethics Committee. citation: Ishaka, Elohor (2020) Why Practising Effective Journalism in Nigeria Is Challenging. Masters thesis, Griffith College. document_url: http://go.griffith.ie/416/1/MAJ%20-%20Elohor%20Ishaka%20-%20Dissertation.pdf document_url: http://go.griffith.ie/416/2/bibliography.txt