@mastersthesis{go404, school = {Griffith College}, year = {2020}, title = {Robotic Process Automation (RPA): A Revolution in the Accounting Industry, A study on Deposit Money Banks, Nigeria.}, month = {August}, author = {Gabriel Abu Iyere}, keywords = {Robotic Process Automation, Accounting industry, Deposit money bank in Nigeria.}, url = {http://go.griffith.ie/404/}, abstract = {Robotic Process Automation is an Era of Technology utilization, where every sector in every industry may experience software or hardware bots (automation), making monotonous, tedious and mundane tasks easier to handle by simple codes and configurations to give desired results. RPA, in Accounting is a new Technology relative to UTAUT, it has a few researcher examining its depths in the field, whereas, in this research, the researcher examined its entrance into the Nigerian Banks, its usefulness, its risk and ideologies on future research in the field. A non- random technique of staffs in the banking sector of Accounting, a large percentage were Accountants, a number of 129 respondents were surveyed, in Kaduna, Nigeria. With the aid of correlation analysis, descriptive statistics. There were key findings as such; (1) There was a significant relationship between RAP and record keeping (2) There was a significant relationship between RAP and receipt and payments (3) There is a significant relationship between RAP and cost reduction. The outcomes remain constant in its positive variables, that indeed RAP has earned more rather than incurring expenses and eliminating errors in its accountability of receipts and tellers. A wholesome recommendation on adaptability of RAP is presented in the study.} }