eprintid: 389 rev_number: 10 eprint_status: archive userid: 64 dir: disk0/00/00/03/89 datestamp: 2021-04-25 11:50:47 lastmod: 2021-04-25 11:50:47 status_changed: 2021-04-25 11:50:47 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Talita, Cavalcante Silva corp_creators: Dr Garrett Ryan title: Effectiveness of Work-Life Balance practices in audit companies in Ireland ispublished: submitted subjects: H1 subjects: HM divisions: MscIBM full_text_status: public keywords: Effectiveness in work-life, Audit companies, Audit companies in Ireland. abstract: The main objectives of this research are three: First, to understand the perception of the employees about the effectiveness of WLB policies in auditing and accounting companies, second, to understand the applicability of WLB policies, if the companies have it and how the employees perceive the effective applicability of these policies by the companies, and third, to analyse the perception of employees about management engagement with WLB policies of auditing companies.This study showed that Work-Life Balance policies affect the perception of employees about Work-Life Balance. 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