eprintid: 366 rev_number: 11 eprint_status: archive userid: 64 dir: disk0/00/00/03/66 datestamp: 2021-03-07 23:03:34 lastmod: 2021-03-07 23:03:34 status_changed: 2021-03-07 23:03:34 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Sarah Trindade de Andrade, Debora corp_creators: Louise Gorman title: Crisis Management: A Study of Climate Change and The Possibility of Reducing its Impact on the Economy Using Sustainable Finance. ispublished: submitted subjects: H1 subjects: HM divisions: MSCAF full_text_status: public keywords: ESG, climate change, crisis management, stakeholders, financial institutions. abstract: Climate change has been recognized as one of the biggest challenges of current times and has become a topic of considerable study and debate. It is predicted to have irreversible impacts on the ecosystem; however, climate change should also be considered a potential threat to the world economy if not properly and effectively addressed. This research attempted to contextualize climate change as not only a corporate social responsibility concern, but mostly as a crisis management issue, as well as to identify sustainable finance as a part of climate solution. The study is divided in two. Firstly, a survey was delivered to the public to assess climate change awareness and perception around the world. Secondly, a case study was conducted to analyse how Australian and French financial institutions are conducting and addressing climate change-related risks, as well as to analyse how the governments’ actions can influence those businesses. 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