%A Keen Leong Yap %X This dissertation focused on exploring the development of entrepreneurship in Malaysia. This dissertation revealed the attitudes of student at tertiary education towards entrepreneurship in Malaysia by uncovering the development and impact of entrepreneurial education, government entrepreneurial policy, and entrepreneurial culture & environment in Malaysia. This dissertation aimed to develop a conceptual framework to examine the factors influencing and encouraging the creation of new entrepreneur. This research built on existing literatures relates to entrepreneurial development. The conceptual framework is intended to provide a starting point for scholars for further relevant research applicable in Malaysia. The approach taken by the dissertation was mainly exploratory in nature. The dissertation was investigated through a triangulation method, a combination of quantitative and qualitative data collection. Quantitative studies were conducted through questionnaire survey and the questionnaire was framed based on the research objective and reflection of literature review. The questionnaire survey was completed via a purposive sampling method involving local students at tertiary education in Malaysia. Qualitative data was collected through interview with five Malaysian entrepreneurs with tertiary education qualification. Conclusion was established by analysing the impact of entrepreneurial education, government entrepreneurial policy, and entrepreneurial culture & environment to tertiary education students in Malaysia. In addition, strengths and shortcomings of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Malaysia have been identified and highlighted which require quick action to be taken by the government, academic institution, public and private sector. %T A Study of the Attitude of Malaysian Tertiary Education Students towards Entrepreneurship: Impact of Entrepreneurial Education, Government Entrepreneurial Policy, and Entrepreneurial Culture & Environment. %D 2020 %K Entrepreneurship in Malaysia, entrepreneurial education, government entrepreneurial policy and entrepreneurial culture. %L go360 %I Griffith College