eprintid: 347 rev_number: 10 eprint_status: archive userid: 64 dir: disk0/00/00/03/47 datestamp: 2021-02-13 19:22:53 lastmod: 2021-02-13 19:22:53 status_changed: 2021-02-13 19:22:53 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Plonz, Anne Sophia corp_creators: Dr Alessandra Vecchi title: Baby Boomer Women – A critical assessment of the impact of their consumer behaviour and lifestyle on strategic fashion marketing (in Germany). ispublished: submitted subjects: H1 subjects: HM divisions: MscIBM full_text_status: public keywords: Baby Boomer, consume. abstract: This study has shown that female Baby Boomer are a highly diverse, fashioninterested, and young at heart generation that is failed to be understood and segmented correctly with regards to their needs, wants and marketing attraction by the fashion industry. The dissertation focused on investigating Baby Boomer women´s consumer behaviour and marketing appeal in relation to fashion based on their lifestyle and cognitive age to draw direct conclusions for urgently necessary changes for marketers and higher customer satisfaction for the target audience. The dissertation decided to adapt a positivistic point of view and to conduct deductive research by using purely quantitative data gathered through a questionnaire that was distributed online and offline. This scientific, empiric method resulted in a participation of 281 women aged 56 to 74 and revealed the significance of the factor cognitive age for this generation and their fashion consumption behaviour and marketing appeal. The research uncovered significant differences between cognitive age and chronological age in context with disposable income, fashion interest, brand loyalty, purchase motives, spending habits, marketing elements and the choice of the model in advertising. Limitations to this research were evident due to the rural area where research was conducted whereas results might not be transferable to all parts of Germany, a relatively small sample size for the representation of the large generation and the lack of qualitative data due to pandemic circumstances. Recommendations were made in order to improve fashion brands’ business and marketing strategy by understanding and addressing female Boomers’ needs and wants in design, cut, customer service and visual fashion presentation better and by a more precise segmentation strategy that focuses not only on chronological but rather cognitive age of the customers. 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Masters thesis, Griffith College. document_url: http://go.griffith.ie/347/1/Anne%20Sophia%20Plonz.pdf document_url: http://go.griffith.ie/347/2/Anne%20Sophia%20Plonz.txt