@mastersthesis{go340, title = {A Semiotic Content Analysis of Advertisement: Contribution Towards a Holistic Communication Approach to Global Consumers.}, month = {May}, school = {Griffith College}, year = {2020}, author = {Collins Gidisu}, abstract = {Effective communication via advertising is central to the success of a business by encoding brand intended message and values that relevant target stakeholders of a brand can easily decipher and relate. This study showed that there might be a plausible solution to the disagreement between message intended encoded and message decoded in a communication approach via image advertisement. This communication problem and its possible solution were explored from a semiotic school of thought. The objective to explore signs and symbols as a signification system in image advertising was researched with a qualitative case study methodological approach in the context of Zara ad campaigns. A deconstruction of the ad campaign and a thematic analysis of insightful Eye-catcher as a lead icon, positioning of icons and size, choice of colours and image quality and contrast are four key elements that make up a new signification system for communicating via image advertisement if all four key elements are aligned to support each other by a semiotic comprehensiveness. First, eye-catcher as a lead icon commences the journey of meaning formation process by an icon being spotted first to evoke personal attributions and attached with other icons spotted from the image observed. Second, the positioning of the lead icon in a region within the image frame catalyses the ability of the icon to be spotted first, particularly the middle region. Third, the choice of colours of a universal ascription that suits the intended message to be encoded requires great intentionality. Fourth, Image quality and contrast of the overall image needs to be clear, well blended, and bright or dull enough such that it is void of blurriness. The four elements form an emergent signification system for communicating with a holistic approach, extracted from a semiotic perspective of constructing an image for advertising.}, url = {http://go.griffith.ie/340/}, keywords = {Global Consumers, Advertisement.} }