eprintid: 320 rev_number: 16 eprint_status: archive userid: 64 dir: disk0/00/00/03/20 datestamp: 2021-01-23 19:58:57 lastmod: 2021-02-05 12:17:36 status_changed: 2021-01-23 19:58:57 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Kucur, Irmak corp_creators: Dr. Garrett Ryan title: Effects of Influencers on Consumer Behaviours on Social Media: Do Audiences know their needs, or they only follow their opinion leaders? ispublished: submitted subjects: H1 subjects: HM subjects: T1 divisions: GBM full_text_status: public keywords: Beauty Influencers, Social Media Marketing, Quantitative Study. abstract: This study aims to examine the effect of sponsored advertisements made by influencers with brands on consumer behaviour on social media. In this study, cosmetic products and beauty influencers are discussed. The opinions of consumers when they see these advertisements and their attitudes towards these advertisements are tried to be understood. It is aimed to understand whether the consumers who are social media users are positive or negative approaches to paid partnerships made by brands and influencers, the reasons that lead to shopping and whether they are shopping according to their own needs or recommendations. The prepared survey reached 104 people, and the data were analysed. Surveys were statistically analysed. The results showed that consumers who are social media users do not trust influencer advertisements one hundred percent. They try to make purchases in line with their own needs, but still cannot be completely indifferent to these advertisements. Most of the participants stated that they were looking at influencer comments when they were researching a product they needed. Reasons for respondents' following influencer were found to be high rates of beauty inspiration, product reviews, and product tutorials. It has been observed that, as age groups change, consumers follow influencer advertisements, and their trust and priority to these advertisements have changed. Also, no significant difference was found when compared with age groups, positive or negative approaches to advertised products. The majority of the participants stated that they saw these advertisements and stated that they generally approach the products they see in the advertisements positively. The majority of the participants stated that they saw these advertisements and stated that they generally approach the products they see in the advertisements positively. However, they stated that they were sceptical about how honest the influencers were about the promoted products. 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