@mastersthesis{go309, note = {Video documentary}, title = {Fraternal Earth. A video documentary on the ecological transition}, year = {2020}, school = {Griffith College}, author = {Jeanpierre Thibault}, url = {http://go.griffith.ie/309/}, abstract = {The main theme of my documentary is the ecological transition. My project focuses on three explorers, Fran{\c c}ois Sarano, Malek Boukerchi and Eric Loizeau. All of them explain their personal relationship to Nature and help to understand the challenges modern societies are facing with climate disruptions. This documentary is an answer to the young generation distressed by environment disruptions and especially global warming. Therefore, the audience of my documentary is the young generation and more specifically students. I focus on students because they have a high level of knowledge concerning the environmental subject. It is the reason why they tend to be the most distressed by these questions. The tone of my documentary is optimistic. The explorers interrogated bring solutions to environmental challenges. These solutions are both technical and human. My documentary combines two different styles, journalistic and poetic. My work is a video documentary with a duration of 10. 35 minutes. The major results of my documentary are the following. Firstly, it appeared that the ecological transition is an extremely complex subject. This transition combines multiple aspects. However, the explorers have insisted on the unsustainable aspect of our models of consumptions and invite the young generation to take action for sustainability on earth. Secondly, it is possible to understand the issues of plastic pollution in the oceans and rivers. In my documentary, the testimonies are linked to philosophical considerations. However, it seems hard to know how to implement the ecological transition. On two points, it could be interesting to follow my work. The ecological transition challenges the model of infinite economic growth. However, economic inequalities in western democracies are important. Therefore, it could be interesting to understand how democracies and political leaders consider to deal with this paradox. Moreover, following works could focus on the polluting aspects of green technologies in developing countries. This is a project of investigative journalism following the approach of the journalist Guillaume Pitron.}, keywords = {Ecological transition, Video documentary} }