%L go296 %I Griffith College %X Globalization and Internet development are the reasons why the market has exploded and consumers nowadays suffer the confusion caused by choice overload. There are many brands offering similar, largely undifferentiated types of product, and it is becoming more and more difficult for consumers to make the right purchase decision. Moreover, as consumers are constantly bombarded by advertising clutter, they need a medium that can help them feel confident when selecting the product that most fits their needs. This is where eWOM and social media can come into play. The Internet has become one of the most used sources of consumer information, raising potential questions about the most effective use of social media in the marketing field. New approaches aimed at understanding the integration of social media into the consumer decision-making context are needed. Since YouTube and product related videos uploaded on the platform have been identified as having a positive effect on consumer purchase intentions (Mir and Rehman, 2013), it is vital to extend the research on YouTube in relation to consumer behaviour in order to identify what works most effectively in influencing in the decision making process of the customer in relation to product reviews. Therefore, this study aims to propose a conceptual model of consumer purchase intentions under the influence of YouTube product related videos. Following an approach influenced by a Grounded Theory approach to research, this research focuses its attention on the viewing experience and perceptions of the participants involved. Data was gathered from a sample of 10 participants through the aid of semi-structured interviews. Findings revealed that the consumer-decision making process in digital era is a non-linear process that changes according to the different types of consumer behaviour online and, in YouTube scenario, according to the influence of interrelated factors in product related videos enhancing consumers purchase intentions. The research provides more detailed and useful insights for social media marketing through the development of a model aimed to understand consumer decision making process under the influence of YouTube videos. Therefore, it could be used as a guideline for marketers to overcome the complexity of consumer behaviour and to better develop their digital marketing strategies. %T The role of YouTube in pre-purchase consumer information search: evaluating the impact of product review videos %A Maria Teresa Del Gaudio %D 2019 %K Globalization, Internet development, Consumer purchase intentions, YouTube advertising, Product related videos