@unpublished{go270, title = {Is Democracy Dying in Venezuela? A radio documentary explaining the current crisis the country is facing.}, school = {Griffith College}, year = {2019}, author = {Andre{\'i}na Gonz{\'a}lez}, keywords = {Radio, Documentary, Venezuela, Politics}, url = {http://go.griffith.ie/270/}, abstract = {Venezuela has been non-stop on the global news for more than two years now. Today it is in the top 15 most corrupt countries and in the top 20 most dangerous countries in the world. Even though it counts with the largest proven reserves of oil in the world, it has the world?s worst inflation and it is today in crisis. This dissertation conducted by practice produced a radio documentary which explores my country, Venezuela, through the eyes of different people, diverse in nationality and backgrounds. It is a mix of personal opinions and statistics. The aim of this documentary is to explain the current crisis Venezuela is facing and answer the question: how the country that was one the richest in Latin America got to a state of near collapse. It investigates the roots of the crisis, by analysing different indexes, studies and by interviewing some experts. The audience is taken on a trip in which contributors tell their stories and comment on the present situation. The voices on the documentary give an insight into the economic boom where oil was a game-changer for the country, then the promises to end poverty with the Socialism of the 21st century, and it ends with the reasons for the current crisis and hopes for the future. The raw statistics with the socio-economic data of 2019 explain the reality for the vast majority of Venezuelans and give rise to the claims that the country cannot be considered a democracy any more. This written document describes the research on the subject of the documentary, referring to the relevant literature and other projects carried out in this area. This paper also explains the artistic and practical process that led to the ultimate edition of the radio documentary: Venezuela, How Did We Get Here? In this 32-minute radio documentary I attempt to address why and how Venezuela arrived at the crisis that it is in today.} }