eprintid: 263 rev_number: 10 eprint_status: archive userid: 30 dir: disk0/00/00/02/63 datestamp: 2019-10-23 11:03:50 lastmod: 2019-10-23 11:03:50 status_changed: 2019-10-23 11:03:50 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Oluwagbemiga Shokunbi, Samuel corp_creators: Griffith College corp_creators: Supervisor: George E. Iatridis title: Investment Risks: An Analytical Study of the Risk Reduction Strategies Used in Deciding Investments in Start-Ups. ispublished: unpub divisions: MSCAF full_text_status: public keywords: Start-ups, Risk reduction strategies abstract: This paper attempts to provide an insight to the decision-making process and methods of evaluations when making investment decision in relation to start-ups. It examined the risk considerations and strategies used by fund managers, investment analysts and VCs to minimise the risks. With start-ups on the rise and growing, they make their additions to the world’s economy. It is therefore important to know the risks they face; both for survival and when choosing to invest in them. With the likes of Apple, Facebook, and so on having sprung up as start-ups, it is of note that start-ups cannot be overlooked. The research aimed at answering questions that were focused on the risks start-ups faced both for survival and investing in them, the strategies used to minimise these risks and determine if there was a relationship between the risks and returns. The research was conducted using interviews and the valuation of a start-up recently listed on the London Stock Exchange via an Initial Public Offering. Although the results show that there were indeed a lot of risks faced by start-ups for survival and investments; both of which were centred around regulations, political risk and loss of investments itself. 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