@mastersthesis{go220, school = {Griffith College}, year = {2018}, title = {The connection of music to studio and live photography: categorising music photography.}, author = {Carolina Hernandez De Toledo}, keywords = {Studio and live photography, music photography and photographic genre}, url = {http://go.griffith.ie/220/}, abstract = {Is music connected to live and studio photography creating a specific photographic category? This thesis question emerged from the interest in the visual identity of music, its lack of categorisation in the photographic genres and the critic status of photography in today?s media industry. The purpose of this dissertation is to understand how music is connected to studio and live photography creating the possibility for music photography to be a specific category of the photographic genres. The research design is conducted through a content analysis undertaken by the literature investigation, where the coding structure was extracted to analyse the composition of images through Bruce Block?s basic visual components, the interpretation of images by Roland Barthes and the classification on genres by Dr Gillian Rose. Based on the coding structure established on the methodology, the analysis is made by studying and comparing each one of the eight music photographs taken by four recognised rock music photographers. One of the images corresponds to live and the other one to studio photography, regarding the same subject or band. The results outlined, without any ethical implications, that music connects with photography in an emotional and visual plane expressed in movement and represented in images. Thus, music photography is a photographic genre with live photography and studio photography as sub-genres, being different from each other but sharing the visual identity of music trough content and meaning.} }