%K Advertisements and analysis of magazines %D 2018 %A Bronwyn Molony %X The purpose of this work was to see if there was a difference in the way the same product was advertised to men and women. Literature suggested that no study like this had been undertaken, and there was a lot of support within the literature to suggest that the answer to this question might be yes. The researcher undertook a content analysis of magazines that come with weekend newspapers to see if she could answer the question she was proposing. Her research found two things. Firstly, it found that products aimed at women are more likely to be advertised in magazines aimed at men and women as well as in women’s magazines. Secondly, it found that women appear more in advertisements aimed at both men and women than men do. The researcher draws these conclusions with some caution: her content analysis was small, coded by one person and due to time limitations not all of the advertisements were analysed under every heading. However, she must conclude that the answer to her question was yes, products for men and women are advertised differently but that this research has its limitations. %T A Content Analysis of the Way the Same Product is Advertised to Men and Women. %I Griffith College %L go219