@mastersthesis{go209, title = {The Bravery of Seeking Help: Researching how college can have a negative impact on the students mental health and well-being}, year = {2018}, school = {Griffith College Dublin}, author = {Andrea Wright}, keywords = {Radio Documentary, Anxiety, depression, suicide, stigma and mental health}, url = {http://go.griffith.ie/209/}, abstract = {Anxiety, depression, suicide, stigma; all these are words that are associated with the term mental health. As society is finally making progress in addressing the importance of positive mental health the numbers of people it affects each year is still at an all time high. This dissertation aims to accompany a radio documentary on mental health, targeting college students. Mental health has become a much larger talking point in Ireland over the past years and now programmes, documentaries and publications are addressing the topic more than ever. With almost 300,000 of the Irish population aged between 20-24, according to the Central Statistics Office (2011), it is important to reach out to this age group and talk about how mental health affects them. There will also be discussion on how the approach to mental health in college has changed in Ireland over the years. Given that there is a variety of factors that could contribute to a person?s well being in college, it is vital to examine what exactly these factors are and why they have such an influence on a college students mental health by talking to the students themselves and the people who know how to help them. The reader will find an examination on a compilation of contributors to mental health in college and discussion of why it is important to talk about this sensitive topic.} }