@mastersthesis{go141, author = {Deepansha Banswal}, year = {2017}, school = {Griffith College}, title = {An analysis of gender discrimination in the news industry: A comparative study on how women journalists are treated in India and Ireland.}, abstract = {The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse the gender discrimination in the Indian and Irish Industry. I also compared how women journalists treated in India and Ireland. To conduct my research, I interviewed four Indian and Irish female journalists. Two Indian and two Irish newspapers were also analysed to calculate how many stories were written to female as compared to their male counterparts. After producing the literature review, I was able to prepare 10 questions which were asked to the interviewees. The results showed that there are some serious problems that need to be solved like the pay gap, equal opportunity, the issue of maternity leave, harassment and fewer women being in the higher positions. The results of the by-lines that were counted showed that women journalists don?t get to write stories as much as their male counterparts.}, keywords = {Gender discrimination, Pay disparity}, url = {http://go.griffith.ie/141/} }