@article{go123, year = {2018}, title = {Transformation Pedagogy through Curriculum Development Discourse}, pages = {244--260}, number = {2}, note = {ORCID: 0000-0002-0139-5169}, journal = {International Journal of Innovation and Learning}, publisher = {Inderscience Publishers}, volume = {23}, author = {Fiona O'Riordan}, abstract = {The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the opportunity curriculum development discourse offers to create transformational pedagogy and curricula. As educators and curriculum developers, we have a responsibility to ensure we create a shared legacy in a renewed curriculum because we are privileged and entrusted with the learners? journey in higher education. The literature urges engagement in curricula discourse and reflection promising transformed curricula as a result. Additionally discourse, in particular dissensus, can challenge and question current curricula development practice in order to contribute to development of richer and more informed curricula. This paper presents findings presented in one aspect of a framework designed for curriculum development practice and discourse, which I argue, if used as an early intervention tool can offer transformative potential for curricula.}, url = {http://go.griffith.ie/123/}, keywords = {curriculum development; curriculum discourse; pedagogy; discourse analysis; transformational} }