eprintid: 114 rev_number: 12 eprint_status: archive userid: 30 dir: disk0/00/00/01/14 datestamp: 2017-03-21 15:36:00 lastmod: 2017-03-21 15:36:00 status_changed: 2017-03-21 15:36:00 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Le Goff, Lucie title: The influence of subjective norms on Bretons’ attitudes: The case of AB fresh foods. ispublished: submitted subjects: HB divisions: MSIB full_text_status: public keywords: Organic foods, Buying habits, Decision making processes, Consumption patterns note: Dissertation Supervisor: Justin F. Keogan abstract: The aim of this study was to identify subjective norms that shape individuals’ decisionmaking processes, and analyse their power of influence, especially concerning organic fresh foods purchases. In order to understand this social influence, fifteen Breton organic food buyers have been interviewed with intent to collect their personal opinions. Data on their buying habits also have been collected and strongly supported the fact that fresh foods are the most popular products. Three main consumer profiles could have been reached from this qualitative survey, which could be defined as regular consumers, irregular consumers and consumers in conflict, according to their shopping habits and the perceived pressure over their purchases that modify their behaviour. Social status was not deemed to play an important role, but the presence of children could be considered as a crucial factor. While external factors related to product characteristics, such as price, taste, origin or label, have an impact on consumers’ perception of organic products, family members and friends could reinforce or, on the contrary, mitigate individuals’ beliefs. Peers from furthest referent groups, colleagues, fellow members in associations or sports clubs for instance, did not have the same power on individuals, because their opinion seemed to be less legitimate. However, within the circle of friends and family, a two-way influence was possible, since some individuals were aware of their own power of influence. Generally, this research showed that these consumers have positive beliefs and attitudes toward organic foods as well as the AB label, but their knowledge level about what it implies was not widespread. Only the cluster of consumers in conflict demonstrated distrust and scepticism, as they had to face divergent views from different sources of information. These new consumption patterns are difficult to analyse, as there are lots of different .opinions and ways to behave, which are inherent to accessibility issues. 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