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Appendix List of Articles: Irish Independent and Sunday Independent ‘Lynn Boylan commissioned a report to get result SF wanted; The latest analysis of Irish media fails to offer any insight into the big picture of an evolving landscape' (30.10.16) , pg. 19, Shane Coleman. ‘O'Brien fights back over perception of his role' (27.10.16), pg.12, Kevin Doyle. ‘O'Brien rejects claims in SF's report on media' (27.10.16), pg. 12, Kevin Doyle. ‘Zozimus by Liam Collins' (23.10.16), pg.12, Liam Collins. ‘O'Brien loses case over disclosure of banking details as judge finds courts cannot intervene' (1.4.16), pg. 14,15, Tim Healy and Shane Phelan. ‘Oireachtas urged to review rules around use of privilege'(1.4.17), pg. 15, Shane Phelan. ‘O'Brien loses case over disclosure of banking details as judge finds courts cannot intervene' (1.4.17), pg.16, Shane Phelan. ‘Ruling in O'Brien case after Christmas'(9.12.16), pg.13, Andrew Phelan. ‘ O'Brien has “no basis” for case against State, defence lawyer claims' (8.12.16), pg. 16, 17, Andrew Phelan. ‘Debate in Dáil would be stifled if O'Brien wins the case, court is told' (7.12.16), pg.14, Andrew Phelan and Shane Phelan. ‘ TDs who abuse free speech only get a slap on the wrist; Tycoon's lawsuit puts spotlight on how Oireachtas handles alleged abuses of parliamentary privilege' (4.12.16) , pg.20, Shane Phelan. ‘O'Brien has “no right” to have TDs censure by court' (3.12.16), pg. 18, Andrew Phelan. ‘We must redefine limits of parliamentary privilegebut in Dáil, not court' (3.12.16), pg. 34,35, Theresa Reidy. ‘Chilling threats made to shoot O'Brien and slit his throat' (2.12.16), pg. 10, 11, Shane Phelan and Andrew Phelan. ‘O'Brien says lawsuit not just about him but also Irish citizens' (2.12.16), pg. 11, Shane Phelan. ‘O'Brien to take stand in row over “interference” by TDs in legal action' (1.12.16), pg. 16, Shane Phelan. ‘”Reckless TD used Dáil privilege to frustrate court order”, O'Brien claims' (30.11.16), pg. 8, Shane Phelan and Andrew Phelan. ‘O'Brien wants three-judge High Court to hear privilege case' (7.10.16), pg. 17, Tim Healy. ‘Tensions run high as objectors weigh in with angry words' (6.12.16), pg. 10, 11, Dearbhail McDonald. ‘INM financial plan gets the green light despite staff protests on pension cuts' (6.12.16) , pg. 10, 11, Michael Cogley and Anne Marie Walsh. ‘Digicel increases debt deal to $1.25bn' (9.5.17), pg. 29, Donal O'Donovan. ‘Digicel expands business solutions arm with acquisition' (5.5.17), pg.36, Donal O'Donovan. ‘Digicel targets local supplier deals to share currency risk; Telecommunications; Job cuts could hit 2,000 workers as Irish-owned giant goes through transformation' (26.2.17) , pg. 4, Samantha McCaughren. ‘Trump draws O'Brien into bitter battle with Clintons' (30.9.16), pg.14, Kevin Doyle. ‘O'Brien enlisted help of Clinton to get aid into Haiti after earthquake' (12.10.16), pg. 16, Ryan Nugent. The Irish Times ‘Digicel raises debt sale to $1.24bm' (9.5.17), pg. 14, Joe Brennan. ‘Digicel to buy French overseas territories business' (5.5.17), pg.3, Joe Brennan. ‘Digicel partner ZTE faces fine of $1.2bn' (8.3.17), pg.1, Barry O'Halloran. ‘Digicel's bondholders back refinancing' (9.5.17), pg. 15, Mark Paul. ‘Digicel to cut more than 1,500 jobs in restructuring; Consultants advising Bermuda based company on how to cut EUR 6.2 bn debt'(23.2.17), pg.1, Barry O'Halloran. ‘INM “was days from closure”, says O'Brien; Businessman reacts to media ownership report commissioned by Sinn Féin' (27.10.16), pg. 4, Pat Leahy. ‘O' Brien's media ownership highlighted' (24.10.16), pg.4, Pat Leahy. ‘O'Brien judgement a strike in favour of free debate; When one thinks of current crises, who dares say we have no need of a space when there can be free discussion?' (4.4.17), pg. 14, David Gwynn Morgan. ‘A resounding rejection of case against two TDs; Businessman wanted the court to censure deputies for disclosing aspects of his banking arrangements' (1.4.17), pg. 6, Colm Keena. ‘Judge says a successful action would have had a chilling effect' (1.1.17), pg. 6, Colm Keena. ‘Ruling on O'Brien case due in new year' (9.12.16), pg.6, Mary Carolan. ‘O'Brien case targeting freedom of parliamentary debate, court told' (7.12.16), pg. 6, Mary Carolan. 'Court warned of consequences for Dáil Debate' (3.12.16), pg. 4, Mary Carolan. ‘Businessman admits legal victory would greatly restrict Dáil speech' (2.12.16), pg. 2, Peter Murtagh. ‘Challenging immunity of TDs a difficult case to make' (2.12.16), pg.2, Colm Keena. ‘O'Brien to give evidence in court action; Businessman taking the case over commentary about his banking affairs' (1.12.16), pg.6, Mary Carolan. ‘Counsel claims case could benefit everyone' (1.12.16), pg. 6, Colm Keena. ‘Separation of powers at heart of High Court case; Case goes to the core of how the three pillars of State safeguard our democracy' (30.11.16), pg. 2, Colm Keena. ‘Barrister paints picture of noble defender of Constitution' (30.11.16), pg. 2, Peter Murtagh. ‘O'Brien wants clear legal demarcation between powers of Dáil and courts' (30.11.16) , pg. 2, Mary Carolan. ‘O'Brien set to attack TDs in evidence to High Court; Businessman to testify in challenge to legal privilege for members of Oireachtas' (24.11.16), pg. 3, Peter Murtagh. ‘O'Brien cannot call evidence from US report, judge rules' (4.12.16), pg.10, Mary Carolan. ‘O'Brien wants US legal expert in Dáil case' (28.10.16), pg. 4, Mary Carolan. ‘ODCE's travails and INM investigation' (30.5.17), pg. 15, Mark Paul. ‘UBS now a major shareholder in INM' (22.4.17), pg. 16, Mark Paul. ‘INM reclassifies two directors as not independent' (29.4.17), pg. 16, Ciaran Hancock. ‘Judge to rule today on O'Brien case over Dáil statements' (31.3.17), pg. 4, Mary Carolan. ‘O'Brien linked to INM director's start-up' (31.3.17), pg. 2, Mark Paul. ‘INM row brings to mind Denis O'Brien's past crusade on corporate governance' (31.3.17) , pg. 14, Mark Paul. ‘INM chief made protected disclosure about Newstalk bid'(22.3.17), pg. 1, Mark Paul. ‘Newstalk row that refuses to go away as Pitt turns whistleblower' (22.3.17), pg. 3, Mark Paul. ‘Pitt has dug in following INM row with Buckley, but for how long?' (10.2.17), pg. 12, Mark Paul. ‘INM's boardroom spat raises host of questions' (30.11.16), pg.1, Ciaran Hancock. ‘INM confirms clash over Newstalk big' (29.11.16), pg. 16, Mark Paul and Ciaran Hancock. ‘O'Brien remains silent after Trump uses businessman's record to attack Clinton' (30.9.16) , pg. 4, Peter Murtagh. ‘O'Brien used Clinton connections to help with Haiti earthquake relief efforts' (12.10.16) , pg. 4, Simon Carswell. ‘O'Brien remains silent after Trump uses businessman's record to attack Clinton' (30.9.16) , pg.6, Simon Carswell. ‘Casting doubt on charity motives clearly rankles; Businessman says if you make a profit in a community you pay into social projects' (30.9.17), pg. 4, Peter Murtagh. ‘Trump attacks Clinton over close ties to Denis O'Brien' (29.9.16), pg. 1, Simon Carswell. Sunday Business Post ‘Report warns of “extremely grave concerns” about concentration of power in Irish media; Most outlets are either owned by Denis O'Brien or controlled by RTÉ' (23.10.16) , page number not available, Tom Lyons. ‘There should be an open and diverse media that holds those in powerful positions to account' (23.10.16), page number not available, Lynn Boylan. “I do not believe the Irish media is objective in relation to matters relating to itself”, says businessman' (26.10.16), page number not available, James McNamara. ‘Media plurality is a huge factor in determining the character of our public discourse' (30.10.16) , page number not available, Pat Rabbitte. ‘It is right to question Denis O'Brien's ownership of media' (30.10.16), page number not available, Ian Guider. ‘KRW Law to seek apology and retraction from O'Brien'(30.10.16), page number not available, Tom Lyons. ‘Media tycoon Denis O'Brien suffered a knock-back on Friday when a court held that utterances made in the Dáil are still constitutionally protected' (2.4.17), page number not available, Francesca Comyn. ‘Denis O'Brien argued that in taking his legal case against the Oireachtas, he was acting, not just for his own interests, but for the future good of Ireland's citizens' (4.12.16) , page number not available, Tom Lyons. ‘In a jam-packed courtroom, Denis O'Brien's team laid out his case why a precedent of “anarchy” could be set if he failed to get his way on the matter of Dáil privilege' (4.12.16) , page number not available, Francesca Comyn. ‘Corporate governance issues put increasing pressures on the media giant's share rally' (30.4.17), page number not available, Ian Guider. ‘The media group reported a near 12 per cent increase in profits for 2016 to €41.8 million' (21.3.17), page number not available, Ian Guider. ‘Does Independent News & Media need a new chairman to solve its numerous problems?' (11.6.17), page number not available, Ian Guider. ‘Refinancing a boost for O'Brien's Caribbean telecoms firm as it is still “highly leveraged”' (14.5.17), page number not available, Ian Kehoe. ‘Digicel is inextricably linked with Denis O'Brien's fortunebut has that tap been turned off now?' (18.12.16), page number not available, Ian Guider. ‘Mobile phone business to cut global staff by 25% over next 18 months' (22.2.17), page number not available, Ian Guider. ‘O'Brien is virtually unknown in the US, voters are far more exercised by the Donald's fat-shaming of a beauty queen' (2.10.16), page number not available, Marion McKeone. ‘Denis O'Brien argued that in taking his legal case against the Oireachtas, he was acting, not just for his own interests, but for the future good of Ireland's citizens (2.10.16) , page number not available, Tom Lyons. ‘Trump has held up to the light a number of issues that could well affect the prospects of another Digicel flotation bid' (2.10.16), page number not available, Ian Kehoe.